Friday, February 15, 2013

Book Clubs?

I've spent a great deal of my day contacting book's not as easy as it sounds.  As a self-publisher, all marketing and sales are my sole responsibility.  People won't buy the book if they don't know about the book. (See how smart I am?)

I'm confident "Confessions" is a great book club read.  In addition to the laughter and inappropriate goings-on, the story line touches upon some very serious and disturbing subjects.  It would be interesting to hear how people relate to them, how they feel about how those issues were handled by the characters in the book and how they think those events may have shaped the lives of those affected.

But enough serious talk.  There's enough material to keep a book club engaged in conversation for a couple of hours, during which time I would strongly recommend they drink wine and eat cheese.

So come on all you book clubbers!  I need you.

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