Sunday, April 20, 2014

House - I mean blog - cleaning

I combined two blogs into one this morning, which was no easy feat.  It was ridiculous to think I could maintain a separate blog for each book I write.  No one has enough interesting things to say to keep two writing blogs active.  Remember that I also maintain two travel blogs.  Enough already.

From this point forward, The Write Thing To Do will be my blog for all things book-related.  My books, your books, you get the idea.

Speaking of my books, I'm working on the third.  The working title is "Hellbent", but that will most certainly change.  I truly plucked it out of my backside with absolutely no thought.  A place holder, that's all.

Like "Fat Chance", the book's setting is the Florida Keys during mini season.  For those who aren't lucky enough to live here, mini season is a three day period in July when people are allowed to harvest legally-sized lobsters from the Florida waters before the commercial season begins.  The event attracts thousands from the mainland.  They rape and pillage our waters, leave their trash behind and infuriate the locals.

The fictional tale has mystery, murder, drugs and human trafficking...and that's just in the first eight chapters.

Stay tuned.  I've no idea where this book is heading or how it will get there.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder?

I've been absent from this blog for a few you feel more fond of me because of it?  I thought not.  That particular phrase is a bunch of crap.

I think it's time to combine blogs.  I can't keep up a blog for each novel I write; it just doesn't make sense.  Let's be honest; I don't have enough interesting things to say to keep several blogs going.  In addition to this one, I maintain one for Fat Chance

and two others for my travel adventures with my daughter:

It's too much.  No one wants to hear from one person on that many fronts.

I hope you'll bear with me during the construction phase.  I've no idea what I'll do, but when I'm done there will be one blog for all of my writing efforts and it will be, what would you suggest?  I welcome your brilliant ideas for a title for the new, combined blog.

Perhaps I should consult the Pope.