Saturday, March 2, 2013

Is This A Bad Habit?

The owners of the Liftbridge Bookstore in my hometown of Brockport, NY, have generously invited me for a book signing in April.  I'm thrilled to be given the opportunity and hope it's still snowing when April rolls around.  (That probably just cost me some sales by those who still live there.  They get touchy about snow in April.)

I've pretty much convinced myself to wear my full habit for the book signing but every once in awhile I ask myself if that's a wise decision.  I mean, I want people to take me seriously, right?  I want to be considered a professional, right?  I'm serious about writing and want people to know that, right?  Then I remember I'm Patti Lavell and realize the habit is the only way to go.  Come on.

The book is about humor.  I'm not trying to become a expert on some serious topic, for Christ's sake.  I wrote a book to make people laugh and wearing a habit is simply further proof that I endorse the belly laugh.  If there's anyone there who thinks it unprofessional or disrespectful, they can walk two blocks south down Main Street to Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and light a candle for my soul.

Personally, I think God will get a chuckle out of it.  He's read the book and smiled favorably on my friends and I as we tasted our way through NY's wine country, donned as Sisters from the Order of Constant Flatulence.  I'm sure he'll approve when I continue the bad habit at April's book signing.

1 comment:

  1. Why am I not surprised that you actually have a habit outfit:) I hope God does laugh, because my only plan for getting into heaven is that God has a large sense of humor!
