Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Just How Stupid Do I Look?

I guess it doesn't matter how stupid I look because apparently, I'm quite a moron.  I've had the wool pulled over my eyes, been hoodwinked and hijinked and whatever other cutesy ways there are to express the fact that I fell for it.

While I'm thrilled that my book has been available on Amazon and Kindle, I was looking forward to the day when I could publish through Barnes & Noble and every other e-book reader format, like Nook.  Amazon had exclusive publishing rights for 90 days, which expired Monday.  One minute after midnight Sunday, I uploaded by book to a publishing venue called "Smashwords" that makes self-published books like mine available to B&N, Nook, Sony, Palm Pilot and so on.  FOR FREE.  (sounds too good to be true, right?)

Although Smashwords insists my book is available in every format known to man, my Nook can't find it and neither can any other.  Why, you ask?  Have all the Nooks in the universe gotten a virus?  No, you silly wabbit.  The damn thing isn't out there.  Further proof of of getting what you pay for.

My book is available in paperback on B&N, which is a step in the right direction BUT I promised several people that "Confessions" would be available on their Nook when they dragged their sorry butts out of bed Monday.  That was two days ago and book on the Nook.

Oh great, now I'm rhyming.  Is it too early for a beer?

1 comment:

  1. I cannot speak to the rest, but Dougie has assured me that it is never to early for a beer:))
