I just had a promising conversation with a lovely lady who is the contact person for the Toronto Book and Brunch Club! Let's protect her identify and call her "Jane". They are currently reading a fairly lengthy book of 600+ pages, but she expressed considerable interest in selecting my book for the September or October reading.
Deep breath.
If selected, I'll join them for brunch in Toronto to answer questions and talk about the book. Jane warned me this particular group of book-lovers is rather outspoken and opinionated. She said the members have no problem telling an author what they don't like. I can appreciate that, because, well, because I was raised by my Mom. She's never had difficulty telling me what she likes and doesn't like about my hair, my clothing, my language, my men and the way I conduct my life. I figure, it'll be like having brunch with my Mom. Lots of her. Bring it on!
I'm trying to contain the excitement, but it's not easy. Perhaps all my efforts to break the book club barrier are about to payoff? Are you feeling lucky today, punk?
Did I mention the Toronto Book and Brunch Club is 200+ members strong?!?!?!
Please join me in raising a glass to Jane and her book club members!
Good luck! This will make you an international celebrity:)