Friday, May 17, 2013

Some People

Let me explain why I may appear to be in "a mood", as my Dad used to say.  That phrase always irritated me.  Everyone is in some sort of mood 24/7, right?  But, I knew what he meant...he meant Mom was in a bad mood.  Not just any mood.  A bad one.

Anyway, back to MY mood.  A neighbor recently told me he read my book and found it interesting.  I thanked him and we went our separate ways.  I'll be honest; I've never really like the guy.  I don't have a particular reason to dislike him, but he's a recovering alcoholic who's been sober for six or eight years.  I don't trust people who don't drink, but knew I could make an exception given his addiction.  His years of sobriety have made him into a being better than the rest of us.  You and I are mere mortals who resort to swilling booze while he makes the world a better place simply by being in it.

I guess I am in a mood, right?

Trust me, the guy is a dick.  Even Mother Theresa would be hard pressed to find a likable quality about the man.

A few days ago, another neighbor told me what Mr. Sobriety had to say about my book behind my back.
"What made her think she could a write a book, anyway?  It was the worst piece of filth I've ever read!"

If sexual abuse of a minor and a hand job is the worst kind of filth he's ever read, what the hell does that guy read?  Dr. Seuss?  Even the Twilight series described vampire sex.

I don't mind that he didn't like the book; it's not for everyone.  People are entitled to their opinion and if you buy a book, you've paid for the right to express that opinion.  Oh wait...he didn't buy it.  He borrowed it...but he's still entitled.

What has me in a mood is he doesn't have the stones to share his honest opinion.  What does he think I'll do?  Poop on his grave?  Vandalize his desk?  Force him to drop a turd in a box?

1 comment:

  1. You know you have made an impression when the self-righteous feel obliged to trash you:)

    He may be a jerk, but the good thing is apparently he is still afraid of you!
