Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Taking Matters Into My Own Hands

I really don't want to sound like a whiney jerk, so I'll limit my commentary.  I'm fed up with the online mega stores making more money from the sale of my hard work than me.  If that makes me sound like an ass, then print me a label and stick it to my forehead.  Those rat bastards make a shit ton of money for doing nothing more than providing a link and an online payment system.

Two ( or three or four ) can play that game.  I've waited too long to take matters into my own hands, but at least I've done it.  Brace yourselves.

Those who wish to purchase my book may do so directly from my website.

Ta Da!!

Let me just say, for the record, I'm not a web designer and that will be abundantly clear if you visit my page.  Be patient.  I'm learning and it will become more professional as we move forward.

SO...my book can be purchased directly from pattilavell.com!  For $12.00, I'll send a you a personalized, signed copy with free shipping.  Crazy?  Probably, but I'd rather attempt to sell through my own website and deal with shipping than give money to big corporations who've done nothing to help me edit, market or promote my work.  (If any Amazon reps read this blog, I'll no doubt be booted off. )

Thank you for listening and I hope you'll share my website with those in need of a laugh.  Or a confession.  Or a good cry.


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