Tuesday, December 11, 2012

If I knew then what I know now...

Today was my TV interview with Jenna Stauffer on WEYW.  She's a lovely lady, very nice and seemed genuinely interested in the book because she talked to me for several minutes after the interview.

I made some huge wardrobe mistakes that became abundantly apparent as soon as I saw myself on the screen, but it was too late to fix any of them.  At least I didn't flash nipple like Janet Jackson, but that probably would have been smarter than what I actually did.  Let me share what I learned in case you find yourself in the face of a TV camera:

 - Never wear your hair up, girls.  If you see my interview, you will see why this is something I wish someone had told me BEFORE today:

 - Wear a blouse with sleeves that go at least to your elbow.  TV makes even slim arms (not that I have them) look flabby and fat and when pressed against your side, they look mutantly huge

 - Keep your upper body poised over your thighs or knees, never lean back in your chair, even if sitting up straight.

I had my hair up, thinking I looked more professional and neat.  I wore a black top with cap sleeves.  Just wait til you see my arms.  I sat up straight but had my back pressed to the back of the chair.  I looked like a tick.  A big tick stuffed full of blood with a round tiny head.  I actually coughed and choked when I saw what I looked like on the monitor but it was too late.  Jenna assured me I looked fine. . . what else could she do?  Scream, "Oh my God, you're a human tick!"?

True to the message in my book, I have decided to laugh at my first TV appearance.  What else can I do?  Crying and bitching won't help - and I know this from personal experience because I tried it for a couple hours following the interview - so all I can do is laugh.  And drink.

I learned a lot about what not to do and even better, I didn't fart on air.  Huge accomplishment.

On to the next.  I have a radio interview Thursday on 104.1FM (Marathon) and then will be on the Girl's Night Out Radio Show (Islamorada) for a date yet to be determined.  At least I can "sound" thin on the radio.

Now, I have a truffle macaroni and cheese to get out of the oven.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations....You've done it...it's over..you have learned some things. But, I'm sure it was not as bad as you wrote. I know you will write to me and tell me that it was, but I doubt it. You are a beautiful, poised woman and I'm sure it showed.
